Council meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Cochin is home to the only lighthouse in Saskatchewan.
This working lighthouse at the top of Pirot's Hill on the north end of the village is a popular tourist attraction and beacon for boaters in the summer and people on skidoos in the winter. It is our most photographed attraction.
Visitors must climb the 153 steps to reach the top of the hill where the 11.5 metre high lighthouse stands over spectacular views of both Murray and Jackfish lakes, the townsite and the expanse of prairie farmland.
The view from the top of Pirot hill is well worth the climb anytime but one cannot beat the amazing view is the early day to take advantage of the sunrise over Murray Lake or late in the day to see the setting sun over Jackfish Lake. A visit here is sure to please the senses and demonstrate why Saskatchewan calls itself Living Sky Country.
Tom Archdekin, the first Mayor of Cochin, initiated construction of the lighthouse as a tourism project in 1988. On November 23, 1988, a committee was formed to plan the prairie structure. It was enthusiastically supported by the Village Council, the Provincial Community Tourism Assistance Program, and the Pirot family. Approval for the project was received in March of 1989. Don Pirot, who owned the land at the time, asked that the site be named Pirot Hill.
It was through the collective effort of the community's local residents, particularly Glen Mackrell from Battleford, that the magnificent structure and staircase became the only lighthouse to be found in Saskatchewan.
We hope that you'll enjoy the photo slideshow. The lighthouse pictures have all been graciously shared by area residents and photographers.
Photo of Lighthouse by Kent Rockwell
Photo by Dennis Manrique. All rights reserved. Printed with permission.